True Friendship Quotes in English

True Friendship Quotes in English

True Friendship Quotes: True friendship is a sacred. We find true friendships with people who are great, calm and patient. “Being with people like this makes me feel warm when it is cold and makes me feel safe when everything else is falling apart.”

Are you looking for True friendship to send to a friend or to post to your status on any social media like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp Status

Here are 100+ true friendship quotes in English Specially created for you.

True Friendship Quotes in English

  1. Friends share the same space
  2. A true friendship is when you don’t need to spend time together, but you choose to.
  3. To be a friend is to serve as another’s conscience.
  4. True friends forgive.
  5. The more true friends you have, the harder it is to let go of your old friends, because you don’t want to lose that true feeling.
  6. You can’t fake friendship; you can only have it or not.
  7. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate
  8. Real friendship is when they are willing to tell you the things that you don’t want to hear.
  9. The most important part of a friendship is honesty.
  10. Some friends will come and go, but you will always have at least one true friend.
  11. Real friends are those who care, even if you don’t.
  12. A true friend is someone who has the strength to tell you all the hard truths that you need to hear.
  13. Friends should be who you choose, not who chooses you.
  14. a good friend is someone who helps you become the person they see.
  15. Having friends is a great thing, but true friendship takes time to build.
  16. The greatest gift you can give someone is to be a true friend.
  17. If you need a friend you are not alone.
  18. Friends are those who are there for you when you have nowhere else to turn to.
  19. good intentions and gut feelings are very powerful. I am pretty sure you get both from your friends.
  20. It’s not only how many friends you have, but the depth of your friendships.
  21. True friendship is when you have to hold the door open for people and they hold it open for you.
  22. True, lasting friendship does not require continuous contact. It doesn’t mean you have to meet every single week, or even month.
  23. The best way to find out the friendship level between two individuals is to take away the backup.
  24. A good friend will never betray you. But a best friend will always forgive you.
  25. You don’t have to like someone to be friends with them.
  26. Sometimes people think you are friends with them, but you don’t actually care about them.
  27. Some friendships are so old they don’t need a name.
  28. True friendship is when you don’t need to see the person, it’s enough just to know they exist.
  29. You improve your life by first improving the life of your friends.
  30. True friends don’t ask, “What have you got?”
  31. A good friend is hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
  32. When you can count on someone, your life is better.
  33. True friendship is when you can still laugh with someone 6 years after you’ve stopped talking to them
  34. Friendships are about people who inspire you, who make you a better person, who enrich your life and who feel like family to you.
  35. Never forget the friends who always stay by your side.
  36. True friends are the ones that look out for you even when you don’t need them.
  37. If you are friends for some time with someone, and it’s really just one-sided, you have to let that friendship fade away.
  38. You are always seeking your true friends, but can’t always recognize them.
  39. True friendship is not 70% of the time. It’s a 100% of the time
  40. To have a solid friendship you must be silly with each other
  41. Friends could be more intimate than lovers sometimes
  42. Friends are friends because they like the same things.
  43. True friends are who we go to when the world disappoints us.
  44. A true friend accepts that you are not perfect, and still cherishes you.
  45. A true friend helps you move.
  46. True friendship is when you can say anything to each other.
  47. True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare
  48. Real friends will often remind you of your faults.
  49. The friends you make in life are exactly the same people you will see in your after-life.
  50. Friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.
  51. I wish I could feel like this with ever person on my contact list.
  52. Your true friends are those that will sit with you in silence and just be with you.
  53. A true friend asks you questions about your life to make you think, rather than telling you what to think.
  54. Friendship isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about two people knowing they always have each other’s back.
  55. Good friends are good, but true friends are best.
  56. True friends make you laugh until you’re crying.
  57. A true friend is someone who doesn’t question when you randomly send them a huge email of your thoughts.
  58. True friendship is when you can empathize with other people’s feelings, yet don’t take it personally when they don’t empathize with yours.
  59. Why some people go to the ends of the earth for their friends and for other people, you’re just an acquaintance.
  60. Fake friends love you when others don’t, but true friends love you when you do stupid things
  61. People who like you, give you their time.
  62. True friendships are rare, most people will use you
  63. True friendship recognizes the need to be independent.
  64. You learn the real value of your friends when you get to about 10 years in a friendship
  65. A true friendship lasts forever.
  66. True friends don’t have an expiration date.
  67. Make friends with other people who will push you.
  68. Friends are those who know you but like you anyway
  69. A true friend is somebody who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
  70. Real friendships are probably worth much more than all of the combined worthless replacement friendships in your life.
  71. When you are lonely, you are never really alone
  72. Sometimes it’s not your friends who make friends.
  73. One’s true friends are always there, but we can’t see them until we learn to trust ourselves.
  74. Somewhere between the best friends and the frenemies lies the line that divides sincere concern from manipulative exploitation.
  75. For true friends, there is no other option than to feel OTHERS’ PAIN as one’s OWN.
  76. Real friends are there for you when you need them. If they’re not, they’re not true friends.
  77. Your friend might be distracted by something going on in his life, but he doesn’t mean to hurt you.
  78. People give friends advice, but they rarely listen.
  79. Friends need to be able to be honest, but if they’re being too honest it’s probably a sign of bad intellection
  80. The people that know you best are often the ones who know you least.
  81. Some friends are for life, some just for last night.
  82. True friendship is when you can share your happiness with someone, and also share their sorrow and tears.
  83. Friends are those who love you and who are loved by you.
  84. True friendship isn’t a product of circumstances. It’s a choice.
  85. friends are more important than families, and we get friends by being friendly with others.
  86. A true friend has to be willing to put in the work to make the relationship work.
  87. A true friend will keep showing up through the worst times.
  88. I can always count on true friends when I need to borrow money.
  89. True friendship is rare.
  90. True friendship is going with a friend to their DEATH
  91. What makes a friend isn’t someone who you can rely on, it’s someone who can make you smile even when you’re upset.
  92. It’s easy to call someone a friend but hard to prove it.
  93. your true friends will still like you even if you’re wrong.
  94. When it comes to true friends, you have two eyes and they have only one.
  95. Some friends will never ever leave you
  96. Friendship is a feeling that is created by the want to do something for an individual.
  97. True friendship does not keep track of wrongs – Jean de la Bruyère
  98. Having a real friend is like having a twin soul.
  99. Real friends are those you can trust in moments of vulnerability and you don’t ask for anything in return.
  100. A real friend is the only person you can be completely vulnerable with.
  101. What you do for your friends should not be done because it is your duty.
  102. Everyone wants true friends, but everyone is afraid of being vulnerable.
  103. True friendship is when you don’t expect anything in return.
  104. To get a true friend, you have to be known.
  105. Real friends don’t need a reason to help you.
  106. Good friends don’t make us feel bad about our mistakes but help us fix them.
  107. Without true friends, you can’t receive the benefits of healthy competition.
  108. True friendship takes a lifetime, and it starts on the first moment you meet.
  109. Real friendship is transactional
  110. True friends don’t mind when you’re vulnerable
  111. The difference between true friends and acquaintances is honesty.
  112. Love is friendship that has caught fire.
  113. Old friends can help you be a better person.
  114. Friendship is in the eye of the beholder.

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