First Year Of College Captions

First Year Of College Captions

Do you have any idea what captions to use for the freshman photos in your college photo book? Here’s a little icing on the cake for you! Check out these cute first year of college captions below:

First Year Of College Captions

  1. First year of college is a time when the world opens up to you. Make this the year you step forward and explore all that’s out there. #firstyearofcollege
  2. First year of college. First semester. First class. Campus life is so much fun!
  3. First year of college is hard. But we can help you with everything from finding the right dorm to where to find a good Mexican restaurant. 😉
  4. Where the first year of college is all about getting used to life as an adult. 😉
  5. This is your first year of college. Make memories and grow up quickly. The sky’s the limit.
  6. Welcome to your first year of college! You’re out of the nest and spreading your wings, getting ready to soar. We can’t wait to see you soar, Sweetheart!
  7. Your first year of college will be like none other. So just know that no matter what happens, it’ll all be worth it in the end 😉
  8. Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone makes the same ones. We’re here to show you that you’re doing great, and we’re proud of you for all that you’ve accomplished in your first year of college! 🎓😊
  9. It’s the first year of college, so let’s get out there and make some memories.
  10. The most exciting part about going to college is that you get a fresh start. You can do it all over again!
  11. Hey, we’re in our first year of college! Wanna get together for some coffee? ☕
  12. We’re starting something new here. A year of laughs and learning—and yes, tears—Don’t be afraid to fall in love with college, but don’t get too attached to it either.
  13. It’s going to be fun. It’s going to be hard. But it will also be the best time of our lives!
  14. I feel like I’m taking baby steps on this path when in reality I’m walking for miles. But here’s to more steps, even if they don’t feel that way at the time.
  15. It’s all about the journey, not the destination.
  16. Graduation is just the beginning. After years of hard work, it’s time to celebrate your successes with your friends, family, and colleagues at First Year of College Graduation Party!
  17. First year of college is a big deal, but with the right kind of support it can be totally doable.
  18. Still working on that whole college thing. #firstyearofcollege
  19. Here’s to the first year of college that is full of new friends, new adventures and new memories.
  20. The first year of college is a big one. Keep your head up and smile through it all.
  21. Happy first year of college to all my fellow graduates! We can do it! Stay strong, stay positive and remember that you are never alone.
  22. The first year of college is a time of change, excitement, and a lot of fun. There are so many cool things to try out and learn!
  23. The first year of college can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help you navigate it one day at a time.
  24. Waking up from a first year of college sleep-deprived.
  25. It’s the beginning of a new chapter in your life — a year full of firsts, memories, and adventures. #YearInCollege
  26. This is our first year of college, but let’s make sure it’s a good one 🎓
  27. Life is full of firsts, from first kisses to first days of school! How are your firsts going so far?
  28. It’s not just about classwork, it’s about making friends and finding your passion.
  29. What a whirlwind year it’s been! Here’s to the next chapter.
  30. It’s about to be a whole new adventure. Can I get an amen?
  31. First year of college can be incredibly overwhelming, but it’s also the perfect time to make memories that last a lifetime.
  32. This first year of college is going to be amazing. I’m so excited for what the future holds and I can’t wait to see where this path takes me.
  33. The first year of college is a roller coaster full of ups and downs, but the future is exciting.
  34. It’s the first year of college and you’re ready to explore this new world. We know it will be an adventure!
  35. Freshman year of college has already been filled with new adventures, new friends and lots of fun!
  36. As soon as you enter college, you realize how much has changed in a year. It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time. You can’t wait to get started and make memories with your friends while still being challenged by new things every day.
  37. This is the first year of college, and it’s going to be a wild ride. But don’t be afraid to do something crazy because you might end up learning an important lesson that will help you in the future.
  38. It’s Day 1 of college, where you’ll make new friends and fall in love with your classes. Hope you enjoy the journey!
  39. Our fresh-faced freshman are ready to take on the world.
  40. We are officially in college and we look forward to all the things that have yet to happen!
  41. Why is it that growing up is so hard and then going to college is so easy?
  42. It’s a year full of new experiences, trying new things and making memories that will last a lifetime. We look forward to it!
  43. Wishing you a year full of growth, personal development, and new experiences.
  44. Happy new Year! I hope to be here for many more years.
  45. First year of college is like driving a car on ice, going forward but not knowing where you’re headed.
  46. The first year of college is full of fun and interesting experiences, but it can also be stressful. Here’s to the new beginning of a bright future!
  47. The first year of college is filled with experiences that you’ll remember for the rest of your life, but it’s also filled with everything new. So, welcome to your freshman year!
  48. This is the first year of college; exploring new possibilities, meeting new people, and beginning to figure out who you are.
  49. This is the first year of college. And the good news is—it’s a blast. The bad news? You don’t know what you’re doing, but that doesn’t matter because you can do this!
  50. It’s my first year in college, and it’s going to be great. I’m so happy to be moving away from home!
  51. It’s the first day of college, and you’re ready to change your life.
  52. It’s not too late to give back this year. You can donate to the school where you got your education, or help a family in need through your alumni network. Whatever you choose, it will be an experience full of memories you will treasure for a lifetime.
  53. “There are days when we feel stuck, and it can be hard to see past the fear. But I know that there is a world waiting for me—one that is more than just this tiny oasis of comfort, one where I can leave my past behind and begin living into my future.”
  54. We’re here, we’re new, and we can’t wait for you to join us!
  55. The best way to learn something new is by doing it.
  56. It’s official!
  57. Break out of the pack.
  58. There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
  59. Wishing you the best first year of college, whether it’s your first time at college or your 30th. #firstyearofcollege
  60. The first year of college is supposed to be a time of excitement, exploration and growth. It’s also full of nervous energy, new experiences and a lot of awkwardness. Here are some fun, silly and sometimes just embarrassing moments that we experienced during our first year at college.
  61. It’s not the destination you go to, but the journey that matters. Happy first year of college!
  62. You’re going to have an interesting year. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you navigate the “first year of college” with us!
  63. Wishing you and your family a happy first year of college in this beautiful season of summer.
  64. This is for all of the newbies out there who are excited about their first year of college! 🍂 🍃 🍄 🎓
  65. This is the first year of college, but it’s going to be a blast. I can’t wait to make new friends and learn so much more! 😃
  66. It’s the end of the first year of college and I can’t wait to see what’s next.
  67. Hey, it’s a big new world out there. Be careful, may you find your way to success and happiness in this maze called college life.
  68. Wishing my best friend a year of success and happiness. I love you, buddy. See you soon!
  69. You’ve come so far. Here’s to a year full of successes, mishaps and memories 🌎 🍾
  70. Starting this journey is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. It’s time to take that first step, and we’re here to help you along the way
  71. You’re still new to everything, but who you used to be is already gone.
  72. It’s time to buckle up, snap on the seatbelt and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.
  73. I’m so glad I’m here.
  74. What’s your first year of college all about? #firstyearofcollege
  75. All the things to love about being a first year at college.
  76. The first year of college can be overwhelming, but don’t forget to enjoy the process.
  77. 📓 💕 Ready for the first year of college? Here are some tips to keep you on track.
  78. It’s the first year of college. Let’s make it count!
  79. It’s the first day of college and it’s not too late to make friends.
  80. Last year of high school, you were the life of the party. Now in college, you’ve got a lot more responsibility. Make the most of it!
  81. College is the best. It’s also the hardest. I don’t have all the answers, but I know my friends will help me find them.
  82. When you’re young and in College, it’s hard to remember what the past year was like. Take a minute and relive it with us.
  83. It’s the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and we’re excited to be there with you. 🚀
  84. Take a look back at how we’ve grown over the past year.
  85. I’m not sure what the future holds, but one thing I know for sure is that we can’t wait to live it.
  86. It’s a little scary to be moving into the unknown, but we’re here for you. Let us know if you have any questions.
  87. Finals week is here, but we’ll be celebrating all year long.
  88. Let the adventure begin💦 #Firstyearofcollege #college
  89. First year of college has started. This is a chance to start over, make friends and find our place in the world.
  90. First year of college, we’re thirsty for knowledge. let’s go get that learning experience!
  91. Your first year of college will be an amazing experience full of memories, friendships, and experiences.
  92. You think you’re going to college. You take that first step into the unknown, the staircase of your future. But it’s not always easy to survive the first year…
  93. Where do you find yourself this first year of college?
  94. How about this for a first year experience?
  95. Life is too short to waste at a job you hate. #CollegeLife
  96. It’s a new year, and as a senior, you’re about to make some big changes. This is the best time of your life and there’s no better way to show it than being confident and driven in college. Wish you all the best this year!
  97. We’re goin’ crazy, but it’s okay. We’re not going to school tomorrow, we’re here right now and it’s gonna be fun!
  98. You’re going to college. And that’s amazing. But remember, coffee is still really good.
  99. I’m still not sure what I want to do with my life.
  100. Let’s start this adventure together!
  101. Class is in session.

Also See: Happy First Day Of College Captions

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