Like Father Like Daughter Quotes

Like Father Like Daughter Quotes

Like Father Like Daughter Quotes: You have a better chance of growing up to succeed in life if your dad is a successful person. But what does a dad have to do to turn a daughter into a success? And if mom is the role model, why aren’t there more girl’s tech entrepreneurs? Those are just some of the many thought-provoking questions in this article.

Like Father Like Daughter Quotes

  1. You have your father’s smile, but you have my heart. I can’t believe that I was so lucky to have you in my life. You are the most precious gift that God ever gave to me. There is no greater gift than you. I love you more than life itself.
  2. Born to the one I love the most, energetic just like your dad. You are my beautiful angel, you bring so much joy to my world. Every day I’m reminded why I have you. The reasons are endless, but the love is still the strongest.
  3. So here you are, a year old now. This past year has been an amazing time of growth and change for you, as it has been for me. You’ve grown from a squirmy little bundle into a personable, lovable kid. You love your daddy dearly, and I can feel it when you look my way. I know one day you will be a great man, and I am excited to see what the future has in store for us. With all my love.
  4. I wanted to let you know that I will always love you. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t had the chance to know you. You are one of the reasons that life is worth living. You are the most amazing child, and the best ‘just like your father!
  5. Your father was my soul mate and I would give anything to have him back. But I’m glad he put you in my life because you are the light of my world. Even though I don’t get to see you every day I am always thinking about you.
  6. You really do look just like your father. You have his eyes and his smile and I am so glad you did. Seeing him in you is quite a gift and I am so thankful that we had you. I love your silly attitude and even sillier personality; it reminds me of him and keeps him close to my heart. I will never let anyone take our memories from us, I’ll protect them with everything inside of me!
  7. You are like him in many ways. But he would have been so proud of you, I know. I wish he knew how great of a person you are becoming, I wish he could see your love for helping others. You keep me going when times are tough and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I couldn’t ask for a better Child to have by my side, just like your father.
  8. Sometimes at night I lie awake and wonder what you look like. If you have your father’s eyes or his chin, if you walk as he did or talk as he talked. You will never replace him in my heart but someday I hope that you will take his place. like father like daughter.

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