You Drive Me Insane But I Love You Quotes

You Drive Me Insane But I Love You Quotes

What can be said about you drive me insane but I love you quotes. Well, in the first place, they are one of the most romantic expressions of feeling and the second is that they come across as a particularly honest expression of feeling.

You Drive Me Insane But I Love You Quotes

  1. You drive me insane in all the best ways. I can never stop thinking about you and I love that. So, thanks for driving me crazy, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  2. I love everything about you. I love how you take my breath away with that smile of yours. I love how you know me inside and out. I won’t lie, you’re driving makes me a bit insane but I wouldn’t give that up for the world. I love you!
  3. I love how we can talk, laugh, and just have fun together. I love when you hold my hand and kiss me. I love how you know exactly what to say to make me smile. I love how your hair falls so perfectly over your eyes whenever you’re thinking. I think that if you asked anyone who knows us, they would agree that our love is a beautiful thing. I’m glad it’s with you.
  4. I love you! Seeing you at work today made my day. I’ve really missed you so much. You’re amazing with how hard you try to make me smile. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have you in my bed and in my arms. I love the way i get butterflies when I think about our future together. I am excited for living life with you by my side.
  5. I don’t know what it is about you, maybe it’s your smile. Maybe it’s the way you say my name. Maybe it’s how we are completely comfortable around each other. I really don’t know exactly why but there is something special about you and I can’t let go of it.
  6. I miss you. I miss seeing that smile every day, or even just hearing your voice. I can’t tell you enough times how much I love you, but it never feels like enough. You mean the world to me and I will always do everything in my power to be with you.
  7. I am crazy about you, but in the very best way possible. I feel like I could talk to you for hours, it’s so easy. You’re my best friend, and there’s no one else that could ever be my better half.
  8. I love you because you challenge me to be a better man, and I love that your passion is the same as mine. You inspire me, and every day I am filled with wonder and amazement.
  9. I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea. You are my world, my life, my one and only. I would do anything for you. I am overwhelmed by how much I love you and our little family.
  10. You drive me insane. You have become part of me, my soul looks for you each day. I pray that we will be together forever as one. You are my other half and I love you.
  11. You drive me insane; I should have never agreed to go out on a date with you. Every time we are together our problems escalate and my patience reaches its end limit. But I still love you. I feel so confused, but when we are apart, I miss you so much that my heart aches. When you aren’t by my side, I feel like a piece of me is missing.
  12. You drive me insane! But in a good way! I love the way you make me feel, like everything is possible and nothing can touch us. I actually love the way you are! And it makes me love you even more!
  13. I spend all day thinking about you. You have consumed my every thought. I love you so much! I don’t know what I would do without you, I think of you as the other half of me that rounds me out. Whether it’s having a good time or going through tough times, we stick together and weather the storm.
  14. Thank you for your support. Thank you for being there through the good and bad. Thank you because I need you more than ever. I know together we can make it through anything even driving each other insane, and that’s a promise.
  15. I could never fit your love into a poem or song, or even tell you how I felt in words. But today I’m doing all that and more. I will never stop loving you, and I can’t wait for the beautiful life we’re going to have.
  16. You’re more than just my lover; you’re the most important person in my life. I love you with all of my heart!
  17. You drive me insane. I don’t know how you do it, but you do. You always know how to get under my skin and make me crazy. I guess that is why I love you so much.
  18. Hey Babe! I love you so much. Every time I see your smile my heart melts. I am so happy that we found each other and finally committed to one another. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I love you so much my dear, I sometimes think that I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. You are the only one who knows what’s going on in my mind, you make me feel happy, understood and safe. You are a part of me and I love you for always.
  20. You are absolutely the worst person to date. You drive me insane, you argue over the dumbest things, and you play with my heart. However, part of me really likes that you are such a mess. I love the way you make me feel. I love how you are always there for me no matter what. I love how our personalities clash and yet I never want to be with anyone as much as I want to be with you.
  21. I think you’re funny. I like the way you work. I enjoy the company that you keep. But most of all I love the way we smile together.
  22. I am glad to have you by my side. You bring so much joy and happiness into my world I just can’t stop smiling. You are the reason my heart beats faster when we kiss. You are the one I want to work through life challenges with, the one who shares my love of life.
  23. I may be wrong and often do, but I’ll never regret loving you. Although some of your ideas are a bit unorthodox, I may not have agreed with all of them, I have accepted you for who you are. After all these years, you’re still the man of my dreams that makes my heart sing. For all you have meant to me and given me, I will always love you in return and will be grateful for every kiss we’ve shared and every promise we’ve made.
  24. A lot of people think we’re stupid but I know that you always have my back. You are brilliant and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Whenever I’m with you I feel like life is just so perfect. From the time we met, my life has been better than ever before. You’ve given me something to live for and I love you for that.
  25. I’m crazy about you and I love everything about you. You are so special and one of a kind. You make me smile without fail, every day, in every way. I never thought I could be this happy.
  26. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what the future brings us. We are going to be together forever because with love like ours anything is possible.
  27. You drive me insane! You bring out the craziness in me, and I know that sounds odd, but there is no denying it. I’ve never felt so alive and energized as when I am around you. I love that you have challenged me to rethink all my assumptions of who I am and what is true in the world. Your passion and honesty have awakened a part of my own soul and now I feel more alive than ever before.
  28. You truly are one of a kind my love, I could say all night how unique you are and how much I adore you but it won’t be enough. You keep my heart alive and help me do the same for you. I wouldn’t want anyone else on this earth beside me, we are perfect together.
  29. I can’t believe how much I really love you! At first, I was scared to admit it because I didn’t want to lose my independence, but now you are a part of me and no matter where I am in the world, my heart will still be at home with you. I love you.
  30. We may fight and argue, but we are always able to talk it out, and I love you for that. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
  31. You drive me insane but I love you. You are the most important person in my life and I can’t live in a world without you. Life was never easy but with you at my side it’s been very good to me.
  32. You drive me insane with your love. Feeling so down, but feeling so high at the same time. I can see our future in the stars, right there, in the skies and in my heart. And with your love glued to my soul, it will last forever.
  33. Let me tell you about my love for you. I cannot stop thinking about you. Every time I see your face my heart skips a beat. The thought of you gives me butterflies and no one can make me laugh like you do. You are the most beautiful person in this world to me and I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you!
  34. You drive me insane. You make my head spin, my heart beat faster and sometimes I just want to kiss you until we both faint. But the truth is I wouldn’t survive a day without you by my side. Thanks for always making me smile.
  35. I feel stupid for falling in love with you. You have ruined me for all other men, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It hurts so much to be away from you but I know that we can make it through anything. We are tied together by fate so I will always be there for you.
  36. I love you and I adore you, but sometimes I can’t stand you. You drive me crazy and it’s fun to push your buttons. However, I would gladly change places with you, because just having you in my life makes everything better.
  37. I love you so much that I can’t even begin to express it. There are no words to describe how much you mean to me. I want to reconnect our love and make everything in my world perfect for you.
  38. You’re my person; you make me feel alive each day. I love you in a way I can’t explain, and will never stop. You’re the love of my life, my everything.
  39. You drive me insane but I love you. You know what you did, and you know how you were wrong, but yet you still do it with all your will. Over and over, I forgive, over and over again.
  40. You are amazing, I love everything about you, from your smile to the way you laugh. You make me happier than anyone has ever before. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. Always remember how much I love you!

Also See: You Are My Sunshine Quotes for Lovers

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